What you visually see is starkly different to what is in the minds of these protestors. Except for few Amhara elites who wanted to wind the clock to almost over a century back, these protesters do not agree with Abiy’ centralized style of governance
and dictatorial tendency. But for them to survive without being put in jail or labelled by what Abiy called terrorist fanatics, they have no choice but to obey and do the uncomfortable job.
Gambella Liberation Front with TDF and OLF as well as other arms group in the country will not backdown rescuing Ethiopians who have been put in chain and emotionally tortured by Abiy and his thugs as well as his friend in crime Isaias Afewerki.
Many Ethiopians have now realised that Abiy had joined past leaders who butchered fellow Ethiopians for the sake of staying in power. Abiy aligned himself with certain group in our society to help him remain a King for life and by doing that those group also went on to disadvantage other Ethiopians such as the violent you see in Oromia and Beneshangul Gumuz leaders not to mention the Tigray Invasion and annexation of territories which was a pure plan.
Abiy had proved himself unfit to be an Ethiopian leader because he lost the direction and credibility to be a Prime Minister for all Ethiopians. His main role should not have been to support some groups and fight others and at the same tie claim to be a leader for all. The GLF and other arm group is determined to remove him from power and restore ethnic federalism which made our country prosperous in the last 30 years.