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Gatluak Pal Tharjiath



Gatluak was born in Thorow Kebele in Itang Special Zone in Gambella National Regional State.


Gatluak started elementary school in Lare Wereda at Kuer Geng Primary School. He then finished junior secondary school in Itang  Special Woreda. Gatluak went on and continue his High School at Gambella Senior Secondary School. 

Tertiary Level. Gatluak obtained's firsrt certifcate in tertiary level in Gambella Teachers, Education and Health Science College awarded with a Diploma in Social Sceince with History being Major 

He later increased his education and obtained a Bachelor Degree in Addis Ababa University in the faculty of Planning and Management in Education. Gatluak left Ethiopia for United States and in Grand Canyon University in Arizona,  he obtained a Master Degree

Gatluak is currently a Ph D candidate while also working actively with the Gambella Liberation Front in which he is the second in charge.

Positions Held

Gatluak is currently a Deputy of the Gambella Liberation Front (GLF). Before leaving Ethiopia, he held various positions in Gambella National and Regional State Goverment. 

He was an Member of Parliament of Gambella from 2005 to 2010.

He was a Teacher at Behaniselam Elementary School. He was a Bureau Head of Education from July 2011 to January 2013. He was a Bureau Head of Labour and Social Affairs  from November 2010 to July 2011. He was Director for Agency of Small Enterprises and Microfinance from February to march 2013. He was a Vice Dean for Acedemics and Reserach at Openo Technical and Vocational Training College from July to November 2010. He was the Director of the Management Institute from July 2008 to June 2009.